Maurice Bucaille
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Dr. Maurice Bucaille (lahir di
19 Juli 1920 – meninggal
17 Februari 1998 pada umur 77 tahun) adalah seorang
ahli bedah berkebangsaan
Perancis. Ia terutama menjadi terkenal karena menulis buku tentang Islam, Al Qur'an dan ilmu pengetahuan modern.
Salah satu kontroversi yang masih menyelimuti keberadaannya adalah
tentang statusnya saat dia meninggal, apakah dia sudah menjadi seorang
Muslim, atau tetap pada kepercayaannya yang lama. Tidak ada bukti
langsung yang dapat menjelaskan kontoversi ini, sedangkan bukti-bukti
yang ada umumnya sudah terdistorsi oleh pandangan pribadi para
Bucaille pernah mengepalai klinik bedah di Universitas
Paris. Pada tahun 1974 dia mengunjungi
Mesir atas undangan Presiden
Anwar Sadat dan mendapat kesempatan meneliti
Mumi Firaun yang ada di
museum Kairo. Hasil penelitiannya kemudian dia terbitkan dengan judul
Mumi Firaun; Sebuah Penelitian Medis Modern atau judul aslinya ,
Les momies des Pharaons et la médecine. Berkat buku ini, dia menerima penghargaan
Le prix Diane-Potier-Boès (penghargaan dalam sejarah) dari
Académie française dan
Prix general (Penghargaan umum) dari
Academie nationale de medicine, Perancis.
Bibel, Qur'an dan Sains Modern
Buku lainnya
Bibel, Qur'an dan Sains Modern judul asli dalam
bahasa Perancis La Bible, le Coran et la Science (1976) menjadi
internasional di dunia Muslim dan telah diterjemahkan ke hampir semua
bahasa utama umat Muslim di dunia. Bucaille menjadi ternama dengan
karyanya ini. Karyanya ini mencoba menerangkan bahwa
Al Qur'an sangat konsisten dengan ilmu pengetahuan dan sains, namun bahwa
atau Bibel tidaklah demikian. Bucaille dalam bukunya mengkritik Bibel
yang ia anggap tidak konsisten dan penurunannya bisa diragukan. Buku
tersebut sudah sering dibantah penulis lain, misalnya William Campbell
dan M.B. Dainton.
Islam dan Sains
Bucaille dalam bukunya mengkritik Alkitab atau Bibel yang ia anggap
tidak konsisten dan penurunannya bisa diragukan. Sedangkan dalam Al
Qur'an terdapat banyak kecocokan dengan fakta sains. Di antara
tulisannya ialah:
"Dan kamu lihat gunung-gunung itu, kamu sangka dia tetap di tempatnya, padahal ia berjalan sebagai jalannya awan." [QS 27:88]
Bucaille menjelaskan bahwa ternyata gunung-gunung bersama dengan
lempeng bumi bergerak. Jadi ayat Al Qur'an di atas sesuai dengan ilmu
Bucaille juga menjelaskan bahwa ayat Al Qur'an di bawah yang
menyatakan bahwa Allah menyelamatkan badan Fir'an hingga bisa dilihat
manusia saat ini sesuai dengan kenyataan:
"Maka pada hari ini Kami selamatkan badanmu supaya kamu dapat menjadi
pelajaran bagi orang-orang yang datang sesudahmu" [QS 10:92]
Ternyata para ahli menemukan garam di dalam badan Fir'aun yang
menunjukkan bahwa Fir'aun memang pernah tenggelam. Jenazah Fir'aun/Mumi
bisa dilihat manusia hingga saat ini.
- Wikipedia: Dr. Maurice Bucaille, Firaun dalam Bibel dan Alqur'an (berdasarkan temuan arkeologi), Mizannia, Cet.I Februari 2007
Tambahan Referensi ======================================
Is Dr. Maurice Bucaille a Muslim?
Very often Muslims say something like the following email excerpt:
You may have heard about it already, but check out Maurice
Bucaille's book "The Bible, The Quran, and Science". He did
research the scientific accuracy of the Qur'an, and did so
while he was still a Catholic. [...] the research caused him
to convert to Islam. [...] nevertheless there are some points
of his which are plain verifications that the Quran is the
word of God.
I asked this person and in January 96 also on the Islamic newsgroup
soc.religion.islam if there is
anybody who can confirm with some facts that Dr. Bucaille is a Muslim,
i.e. has anybody personally heard him say so? Does anyone know
the name and place of the Mosque where he worships? Does Dr. Bucaille
even state in any of his books that he became a Muslim?
But I did not get any response to these questions from any Muslim!
I also asked Dr. William F. Campbell, author of "The Qur'an
and the Bible in the Light of History and Science", if he has any
information about this question and received his response on January 15,
1996 giving the following information:
At some time during his life, Dr Bucaille became the family physician of
King Faisal. During this time he wrote his book, "The Bible, the Qur'an
and Science", publishing it in 1975. I think that he wrote it in anger
at the Catholic church, and then discovered that he could make a lot of
money which he must have done considering all the translations his book
has gone through.
Dr. Bucaille knows Catholicism quite well and quotes modernistic
Catholic scholars. My interpretation, without personal contact with
Bucaille, is that he was a fairly interested Catholic who discovered
that priests were quoting the Torah of Moses as a valid authority on
Sunday, and then writing articles on Monday through Saturday which
showed they did not believe Moses wrote anything. This deception made
him very angry. (I had this same experience when I was taught higher
criticism as a young Protestant.) See Section
Three, Chapter I in my book here on this web-site if you wish to
know about these higher critical theories, which if true would destroy
both the Bible and the Qur'an. Anyway, it is clear that he did not
write his book as a believing Christian.
Known fact: The Muslim man whom I met in Tunisia in 1977, and who
introduced me to Bucaille's book, told me that in 1976 Bucaille came
and gave a lecture in Sousse, Tunisia. After the lecture my friend
went up and asked him whether he had become a Muslim. Dr. Bucaille
answered, "No."
Second known fact: At a public lecture in Fez Morocco in either 1981
or 1983, a friend of mine asked during the question period whether
Dr. Bucaille had become a Muslim. Again Dr. Bucaille said, "No."
I sent Dr. Bucaille a copy of my book and I wrote him about various
points three times, but he has never answered. A Catholic journal
made a positive review of my book. Bucaille responded but his
comments showed that he had not read my book carefully. In one
instance his criticism was answered just a few pages after the page
he quoted.
I have no knowledge as to whether he has become a Muslim since 1981,
but I doubt it.
Please feel free to quote any part of this letter and especially the
two known facts and dates.
William F. Campbell M.D.
If you do know more, especially if you know for sure that Dr. Bucaille did
indeed become a Muslim after 1983 (which was already nearly 10 years
after he wrote his book) please let me know by sending
me an email.
Found in the catalog of the Islamic publisher and book distributor
Pak Books in April 1998:
Dr.Bucaille's study of scientific information in scriptures gave him
high regard for Qur'an and recognition of contradictions in Christian
scriptures. Yet he remained a Christian, but deeply respectful of Islam.
An invaluable work!
I would certainly not see Dr. Bucaille as a Christian [where does he claim
so?] but am glad that Mr. Ali Campbell, Manager of Pak books recognizes
that Dr. Bucaille did not convert to Islam. Incidentally, the above is the
cheapest price of this book that I have seen so far!
I have seen many books by Muslim authors, and even several Christian ones,
containing the claim that Dr. Bucaille converted to Islam. But that was
always a statement from others about him, who seemingly on the basis of
his books concluded that he must be a convert. But I have never
seen or heard a confession of conversion by Dr. Bucaille himself, whether
on tape or in any of his writings. On the other hand we do have the above
clear statement by himself that he is NOT converted. It is over 15 years
old, but I have no newer and contrary information coming from his own
mouth or pen.
Further discussion regarding Bucaille's alleged conversion can be found
on this page.
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