Wednesday 23 April 2014

Cara Menghapus Riwayat Pesan Skype Di HP Android atau Smartphone

Anda sering menggunakan skype pada smartphone dan bingung cara menghapus riwayat perpesanannya? Saya termasuk yang pernah mengalami hal tersebut. Setelah coba browsing sana-sini, maka saya dapat cara berikut mungkin dapat membantu Anda, mengapa mungkin? Tidak pasti?, karena saya khawatir HP kita berbeda, ternyata beda cara juga.

Oke, langsung ke TKP saja ya, berikut ini Cara Menghapus Riwayat Pesan Skype Di HP Android atau Smartphone:

Pada komputer PC:
  1. Buka komputer Anda, Install skype di dalamnya jika Anda belum memilikinya. 
  2.  Tutup skype pada ponsel Anda. (sign out)
  3.  Masuk ke skype pada komputer Anda.
  4.  Buka menu "Tools" di bagian atas dan tekan pilihan.
  5. Klik pada tombol “Pengaturan Privacy” di sebelah kiri setelah menu tools terbuka
  6. Catatan: Anda dapat melakukan hal yang sama dengan pergi ke menu Skype di bagian atas menu bar dan memilih "Privacy".
  7. Centang pengaturan privasi di sebelah kiri jika belum dicentang secara default. 
  8.  Pada bagian "Izinkan pesan instan dari ..." dan di samping itu adalah "Simpan riwayat untuk" klik tombol “siapa pun” serta pilih/centang “tidak ada riwayat” lalu klik “hapus riwayat” di sebelah kanannya. 
  9. Lalu klik tombol Simpan di bagian bawah "Skype - Options" window.

Pada smartphone:

1.       Buka "Manage Applications"

2.       Pilih "All" di bagian atas.

3.       Gulir ke bawah untuk Skype dan klik di atasnya .

4.       Sekarang , klik pada "Hapus Data" dan juga "Clear Cache" .

5.       Tapi mungkin pertama kali Anda dapat mencobanya dengan hanya memilih 
"Clear Cache" . Karena jika Anda "Hapus Data", hal ini akan memaksa Anda untuk mengisi username dan password Anda lagi jika login.

6.       Reboot ponsel Anda !

7.       Saat telepon di-reboot, kembali ke PC dan hapus riwayat sekali lagi

8.       Buka Skype .

9.       Pilih opsi Sync  ketika disajikan .

10.   Lalu pergi ke kontak, buka sebuah kontak yang memiliki riwayat dan melihat apakah itu masih ada.

Selamat mencoba.
Anda ingin memiliki dokumen Ms Word dari tulisan ini?, Silakan klik: Cara Menghapus Pesan Skype di HP android.docx.

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Sunday 20 April 2014

Memanfaatkan Smartphone Untuk Kebaikan

Kemajuan teknologi bidang informasi dan telekomunikasi menyajikan begitu banyak pilihan. Lebih khusus dalam hal kehadiran smartphone yang membanjiri pasar Indonesia, mulai dari produk mahal sampai murah, mulai dari fitur ala kadarnya sampai yang sangat lengkap. Belum lagi aplikasi gratis yang ditawarkan oleh penyedia jasa layanan yang bertaburan di dunia maya.

Fokus artikel singkat ini adalah bagaimana agar kita bijak dan positif dalam memanfaatkan alat yang ada dalam genggaman kita.

Salah satu fitur yang pasti ada dalam smartphone adalah pemutar suara (bisa mp3, mp4, atau lainnya). Beberapa tips agar smartphone kita bermanfaat di antaranya adalah kita isi dengan konten yang bermanfaat untuk memupuk keimanan kita dan melembutkan hati kita. Contoh yang bermanfaat adalah bacaan ayat-ayat suci Al-Qur'an, hadits Nabi Muhammad SAW, dan ceramah-ceramah dari para ustadz/dai.

Berikut ini saya berbagi beberapa di antaranya.
1. Download /114_Surah_AnNaas_Ahmed_bin_Ali_Al_Ajmy.mp3.html
2. Download/AYAT-KURSI---Muhammad-Taha-Al-Junayd.mp3.html
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"How come you Muslims have four wives?"

There are many questions coming to our sisters in Islam asking them about oppression on women, hijab, multiple wives, equal rights and so much more. We have a website with a lot of information, but knowing how to present the answer is very important too.

Here is an example of how you might answer the question about multiple wives, but only one husband:

"Islam is all about RIGHTS - Everyone has their rights in Islam, even children have rights"

"If a woman marries more than one husband at a time, how would the child get their rights of inheritence? What about their rights amongst other children from different fathers - but the same mother?"

"If a woman can choose from any man, even the ones who are married, but a man can only choose from the unmarried women - who has the most choices?"

But first, before talking about Islam, Muslims, Allah, Quran or even their question - here are a few steps we have found to be very effective in helping see the true picture of Islam - and in some cases - even become MUSLIMS THEMSELVES...

1. First, we begin by saying

“Thank you . . for taking the time to ask me and for  sharing your ideas and concerns. It makes us happy to receive mail from all around the world and to be able to communicate with so many Muslims and non-Muslims about my favorite subject: Misconceptions About Islam and the Muslims.

It is our pleasure to hear you are interested to know more about Islam and the many benefits Islam offers to all humans throughout all times. This is important to us and we are always thankful for a chance to share Islam with everyone. . “

Now, just take it slow and easy . . .

2. Say this:
First of all, let us do some basic research here:

If you have a Quran, turn to chapter four (4) and read it all the way through to help you better understand what Islam is really saying about humans in general and women in particular.

Now, ask them to reflect on what is being said . . .

Then think about the verses. Doesn’t this make sense to you: Only God Knows all about what He has created? And also, doesn’t make sense only He would have the perfect answers for us in these matters?

Have you considered the condition of women at the time of the revelation of the Quran over 1,400 years ago?

The verse of the chapter in question talks about restricting the number of wives to be only 2, or 3, or maximum 4, and even then with more limitations.

All of this comes at a time when there were no restrictions or limitations on the number of wives or the treatment of women in general. You see, women were in very bad shape back then. All around the world women were suffering at the hands of men. For instance, did you know:

· Men would bury their new-born baby girls in the desert sands – alive? This was out of shame for having something so low, instead of a son.

· Women were treated with horrible disgust.

· Men had no limit on the number of wives they could have.

· There were no laws protecting women and they had no rights at all.

· Even the Church had convened a council meeting to determine if a women even had a soul.

· The Church blamed “Eve”, and damned her and all women after her for tempting Adam to eat the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. (Islam puts the blame on Adam for what he did and on Eve for what she did – and they repented and Allah forgave both of them)

· Women are blamed in the Old Testament of the Jews for the “original sin” and treated in disgust.

· A woman's monthly cycle was considered by the Bible to be a "curse from God" for her inequities.

· Her child bearing pains were also a 'punishment from God' for her bringing man down from heaven.

OK, now read the verse from Quran we have been discussing (4:3) very carefully about having more than one wife.

What does it say? And what do you understand from it?

Verse 19 forbids men from inheriting (or marrying) women against their will. Young girls and orphans no longer had to fear being taken as “wives” to satisfy the desires of some man.

Now, read verse 24 to learn how Islam forbid men to marry women that are already married.

Next, read from verse 34, the orders from God Almighty, concerning the role of men and the position of women in front of the Lord Above. The commandment in this verse orders men to take on the role of supporter, provider, protector and custodian to the women.

A woman has the difficult role of carrying the child and delivering it and then feeding it and raising it to become a true servant of Allah.

Obviously, men and women are not created the same. They of course, are equal in front of Almighty God, as regards their righteousness, good deeds and obedience. However, it is obvious men and women are not exactly the same as each other. Each one must fulfill their role as humans.

Now it is time to mention some of the basics of Islam - to help them grasp a better understanding of what Allah's deen is really all about . . .

As we said in the beginning - Islam is about rights. Allah Almighty has the Right to be worshipped alone without any partners as He is the One and only God there is. The prophets all have the right to be followed by the true believers. After Allah and His prophets, the one having the very most rights, according to Islam is the mother, and then the father. But children also have rights in Islam.

When a man dies his wealth is left to his family.

How could the court know who to give the wealth of a man, if he was one of several husbands to a woman?

How would a child know who his father was?

No society ever supported the concept of a woman being married to two or more men at the same time. Almost every society supported the concept of a man having more than one woman.

Islam came to set things straight.

Women were given rights.  Men were strictly ordered to treat their women with the very best of treatment.

First of all, the men had to divorce their wives, if they had more than four. So this was not an order to go out and get four wives.  It was an order to begin limitations.

And the first limitation was;  No more than four.

Second, consider the limitation of equal treatment for all of them. How could a man keep more than one wife unless he was exceedingly wealthy and/or exceedingly strong and virile?

Next, the limitation very clearly states; ".. but if you fear that you shall not be able to deal justly (with them) then only one ..."

Step by step, the men of Islam have come to be known today as the most monogamous of all men on earth. (we only have one wife)

Now ask them to really investigate for themselves:

Check for yourself and see. In the majority of all the Muslim homes on earth, a man gets married once, to one woman and then he stays married to her until the death of either himself or his wife.

It is strange isn't it, a society like America, that condones having sex without marriage, homosexuality, same sex marriages, sex without responsibility, children without fathers and divorces are more common place than the measles or chicken pox, would be so concerned about the way the Quran speaks against these things.

Islam demands that a couple be married, and the man actually work instead of the woman and the woman owns her own property without giving anything for the support of the house or the child, a children have the right to their own mother raising them instead of a baby sitter or day care, father must support his children, divorce is hated, marriage is sanctified.

This should stimulate the thinking process of any intelligent thinker. Let them have time to read the Quran, and see what comes to them. If they still have more questions, it may be that Allah is going to guide them through your efforts. So be patient and remember, it is only Allah who guides and we are only delivering the message, “Laa elaha illallah, Muhammadar Rasoolullah.” Let us know if we can help you in the future. We will be waiting to hear from you. May Allah Bless with His Guidance, amen.
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Why Does Quran Say "We & He"? Mengapa Al-Qur'an Menggunakan Kata Ganti "Kami" dan "Dia" untuk ALLAH

Why does the Quran use "WE" and "HE" in Quran when referring to God (Allah)?

This is a good question and one that Bible readers have also asked about. The term "We" in the Bible and in the Quran is the royal "We" - as an example when the king says, "We decree the following declaration, etc." or, "We are not amused." It does not indicate plural; rather it displays the highest position in the language. English, Persian, Hebrew, Arabic and many languages provide for the usage of "We" for the royal figure. It is helpful to note the same dignity is given to the person being spoken to in English. We say to someone, "You ARE my friend." Yet the person is only one person standing there. Why did we say "ARE" instead of "IS"? The noun "you" is singular and should therefore be associated with a singular verb for the state of being, yet we say, "are." The same is true for the speaker when referring to himself or herself. We say, "I am" and this is also in the royal plural, instead of saying, "I is."

When Allah uses the term "HE" in Quran it is similar to the above answer. The word "He" is used when referring to Allah out of respect, dignity and high status. It would be totally inappropriate to use the word "it" and would not convey the proper understanding of Allah being who Allah is; Alive, Compassionate, Forgiving, Patient, Loving, etc. It is not correct to associate the word "He" with gender, as this would be comparing Allah to the creation, something totally against the teaching of Quran.

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Where is God? Di manakah Allah / Tuhan saat ini berada?

Some other religions teach "God is everywhere." This is actually called "pantheism" and it is the opposite of our belief system in Islam. Allah tells us clearly there is nothing, anywhere in the universe like Him similar to his likeness, nor is He ever in His creation.

He tells us in the Quran He created the universe in six "yawm" (periods of time) and then He "astawah 'ala al Arsh" (rose up, above His Throne). He is there (above His Throne) and will remain there until the End Times.

Allah has such complete Knowledge as to be able to Know all things past, present and future in all places at exactly the same time. The same can be said for His absolute Hearing and Seeing. In this way, His Knowledge, His Hearing, His Sight is everywhere simultaneously.

In this regard, the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) told us He is as close to us as our jugular vein. He also explained Allah is "with us" when we are in sincere worship to Him and in times of need. Naturally, this would not compromise His existence outside of His creation.

The Quran offers us a more detailed understanding of Where (and Who) Allah is.

"Certainly your Lord is Allah, Who created the heavens and the earth in six yaum (days or periods of time), and then He Istawa (rose above) the Throne. He brings the night as a cover over the day rapidly, and the sun, the moon, the stars subject to His Command. Surely, His is the Creation and the Commandment. Blessed be Allah, the Lord of the universe!"

[Noble Quran 7:54]

"Indeed, your Lord is Allah, Who created the heavens and the earth in six yaum (days or periods of time), and then He Istawa (rose above), the Throne, disposing the affair of everything. No intercessor (can plead with Him) except by His Permission. This is Allah, your Lord, so worship Him. Won't you then remember?"
[Noble Quran 10:3]

"It is Allah who erected the heavens without pillars that you [can] see; then He Istawa (rose above) the Throne and made subject the sun and the moon, each running [its course] for a specified term. He arranges [each] matter; He details the signs that you may, of the meeting with your Lord, be certain."

[Noble Quran 13:2]

Who created the heavens and the earth in six yaum (days or periods of time), and then He Istawa (rose above) the Throne. The Most Beneficent! Ask Him, as He is Al-Khabir (The All-Knower of everything).
[Noble Quran 25:59]

Who created the heavens and the earth in six yaum (days or periods of time), and then He Istawa (rose above) the Throne. You (mankind) have none, besides Him, as a Wali (protector or helper etc.) or an intercessor. Won't you then remember (accepting admonishment)?
[Noble Quran 32:4]

And indeed We (Allah uses the word "We" in the royal sense like the king who says, "We decree the following...", this is not in the plural) created the heavens and the earth and everything in between in six days and fatigue never touched Us (again, this is the royal "Us" not plural).
[Noble Quran 50:38]

He is the One Who created the heavens and the earth in six yaum (days or periods of time), and then He Istawa (rose above) the Throne. He knows what goes into the earth and what comes forth from it, what descends from the heaven and what ascends up to it. And He is with you (by His Knowledge) where so ever you may be. And Allah is the All-Seer of what you do.
[Noble Quran 57:4]

We observe from these statements a very logical approach to understanding the nature of God without comparing Him to creation or putting Him in His creation.

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Saturday 12 April 2014

Model Pembagian Tugas Guru Tingkat SMP Tahun 2014

Pembagian Tugas Guru SMP 2014.xlsx

Bulan juli yang merupakan awal tahun pelajaran untuk jenjang pendidikan dasar sudah di depan mata. Namun demikian, hingga saat ini belum ada petunjuk teknis tentang pelaksanaan Kurikulum 2013 dan Kurikulum 2006 secara fix, semua informasi masih bersifat informal yang 'katanya' disampaikan oleh pejabat dinas pendidikan kkabupaten.

Bagi sebagian guru yang bertugas membantu kepala sekolah menyusun pembagian tugas guru, hal ini menjadi merepotkan. Bagaimana tidak? Mereka harus segera membagi tugas guru, mendistribusikan guru sesuai dengan bidang tugas dan beban kerjanya, kemudian menyusun jadwal kegiatan pembelajaran.

Untuk itu, seyogyanya pemerintah perlu segera menerbitkan petunjuk teknis tentang struktur kurikulum tahun 2013 untuk jenjang dasar supaya sekolah dapat siap lebih awal menyambut implementasi kurikulum tersebut.

Nah, berikut ini saya ingin berbagi tentang pembagian tugas guru untuk jenjang SMP. Bagi guru yang membutuhkan silakan download, yang membutuhkan password, mohon email ke Mohon maaf untuk hal ini ya.

Unduh via Ziddu: Draft Pembagian Tugas Guru SMP 2014.xlsx
Unduh via G-Drive: Contoh Draft Pembagian Tugas Guru SMP TP. 2014/2015
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Tuesday 1 April 2014

Tarbiyyah Rasululullah

Subhanallahi walhamdulillahi walaailaahaillalah muhammadurrasuulullah.

Segala puji hanya milik Allah, Dzat yang Maha mencipta, mengatur, mengurus alam semesta berserta seluruh isinya. Satu-satunya Dzat yang layak untuk disembah, tanpa diserikatkan dengan apapun,  tanpa perlu perantara apapun, namun sesuai dengan syariat yang Baginda Nabi SAW ajarkan.

Di antara tarbiyyah yang utama yang dilakukan Baginda Nabi SAW adalah:
1. Menancapkan akidah tauhid yang mantap ke dalam hati para sahabat beliau;
2. Membentuk akhlak mulia dalam diri para sahabat;
3. Menghunjamkan rasa cinta terhadap akhirat;
4. Memerintahkan senantiasa dalam jamaah dan bertindak secara terorganisasi dalam jamaah tersebut.
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Mengumpulkan dollar melalui ziddupay

Sebagian orang ingin mengetahui dan mengumpulkan dollar dari internet. Saya salah satunya. Namun demikian ternyata mewujudkan hal itu tidaklah mudah. Ada banyak tahapan yang harus kita lakukan. Salah satu cara untuk mengumpulkan dollar dari internet adalah dengan melalui ziddu pay. Langkah ini mewajibkan anda memiliki sebuah hosting, boleh yang berbayar atau yang gratis seperti blogspot.

Alhamdulillah saya sudah mengikuti program ziddupay dan sudah mendapat dollar, walaupun jumlahnya masih sangat kecil. Salah satu yang saya sayangkan dalam program ini dari ziddu adalah, file referensi atau tautan yang saya pasang di blog sering kali dihapus oleh admin ziddu tanpa konfirmasi yang jelas.

Nah, Anda juga ingin mendapat dollar dari internet? Cobalah link berikut: Akun Ziddu Gratis

Kemudian ikuti tautannya, kalo ingin bergabung. OK.

Selain itu anda juga bisa mengumpulkan rupiah menggunakan adsense Indonesia, ingin mencoba? Silakan ikutan, klik tautan berikut.

Adsense Indonesia
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